Top 5 App Building Platforms And Tools

You run a business and you want to build an app, or probably your app is your business, and you have been thinking tools that would help you to build your business app. In addition to this, you are also trying to reduce cost and not spend so much on the project, and all of this is looking like an impossible task, this article will help to point you to the right direction. Here is a list of platforms that will help you to build your app and not cost you so much. Continue reading “Top 5 App Building Platforms And Tools”

How To Build Your Own Business App

In this period of the internet and smartphones, app creation has become popular, and most businesses have taken up the initiative to build apps that will help them maximize profit and make more money. If you own an offline or offline business, then you will need an app. There are certain steps you must take before you build your own business app. Continue reading “How To Build Your Own Business App”

What Is Elasticsearch & How Can It Be Useful?

Certain products that involve search engines with large databases and e-commerce are now faced with a problem that says product information retrieval is taking too long. The problem results in bad user experience and therefore turns off your potential customers.

The lag in search is caused by a relational database that is used in designing the product – the data is situated within several tables and to successfully collect useful user information, it must be taken from across each table simultaneously. Relational base becomes so slow when collecting search result from database queries as well as when collecting huge data. Businesses are now searching for alternate ways of storing their data that allows quick retrieval, and this is where NoSQL comes into play. Elasticsearch or ES is one of such NoSQL databases for distributions. ES depends on flexible data models to update and build customer’s profile as well as meeting the low latency needed engagement in real-time and the demanding workloads.
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Woocommerce Development

Gone are the days we see WordPress as an ordinary publishing platform. It is currently believed to be one of the important and most powerful CMS – little wonder why fortune 500 companies such as Mashable, BBC, TechCrunch, CNN, etc. now use the almighty WordPress for their sites. People were skeptical in the past to use WordPress in building their e-commerce site, but the scenario has changed now, all thanks to WooCommerce – WordPress is now a beloved platform for lots of small and large e-commerce store owners.

What exactly made WordPress extremely popular just like that? Here are few points:
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